In the external environment, en在飛vironmental protection is近物 a rigid requirement, 很關and high-polluting com師飛panies will be closed and punished. P遠新rinting companies need a new 西靜type of environmentally friendly print白請ing equipment to upgrad空筆e their interiors. On the whole, the p海刀ollution of UV printer林東s is not serious, which can 場關be analyzed from four asp我得ects.
1. Noise pollution: In the printing pro你生cess, the original UV print美理er noise decibels <60 decibels,刀林 which not only meets the 科廠requirements of civil reside業森nces, but also meets the re頻場quirements of industrial no你都ise decibels. The damage t到數o hearing and vision行大 caused by long-term exposure of 熱知operators to high-noise pollutio讀跳n environments is avoided.
2. Light pollution: UV p行理rinter emits light waves throug刀空h LED curing lamp during printing. If 章山you stare at a wavelength co聽信ntaining ultraviolet l湖制ight for a long time, it will c水她ause eye discomfort and dryness. Ther區土efore, in the design, the positio裡制n of the luminaire is very 市件low, avoiding high-p腦明osition light from spreading ever購件ywhere. At the same 答西time, the operator must wear protect讀知ive glasses during work. In fact, s麗公ince the device is automatically set u票紙p and printed, technicians do not ne資些ed to stare at it for a long tim店湖e.
3. Odor pollution: This is mainly manif弟雨ested in UV ink. Although UV i藍美nk is less polluting tha媽唱n traditional printing dyes and has p了得assed environmental protection test秒秒s, it does not represe分費nt any chemical properties. In pra南文ctical applications, 東拿the printed pattern can volatilize 醫爸after 24 hours. The smell produ數內ced during production is al看歌so very small.
4. Sewage discharge pollution: The 哥城piezoelectric inkjet printi劇體ng system guarantees on-demand p民讀rinting and basically does not pr笑鐘oduce a lot of waste ink. Unlike 慢算traditional printing, a large amount o少多f waste materials and 物著waste liquid are discharged.
It is precisely beca來關use these four core aspects o媽金f pollution assessment m內那eet the current needs of environmental 又少printing, UV printer equipment has湖行 been favored by printing co新錢mpanies in recent years.