The daily printing 習靜of the inkjet printer, when 呢離the ink is used in winte山些r, the viscosity of the鐵路 ink will increase after the temperat算雨ure is reduced, which will make its fl空花uidity worse, which will affect the nor空鄉mal printing of the inkj西紅et printer. Here we remin人海d all piezoelectric inkjet學女 printer users to pay attention U暗那se of ink in low temperatu綠能re environment in wint話湖er.
In winter, the general tempera為湖ture in the north and south re妹上gions has different procedu謝朋res to drop, even in the l務紙ow temperature and s姐生evere cold, the physical and chemi暗錯cal parameters of the i長兒nk will also change and be affected by習河 this when the temperatur跳這e drops. For example, after the光劇 temperature is lowered, the viscosi大暗ty of the ink will increase a員場nd its fluidity will become worse, 黃小which will affect the normal ink ejec資理tion of the head during printing懂現, such as horizontal lines (white cha場短nnels) on the print screen or frequent風內 ink breaks during print路姐ing. It will also cause fatigue da樂中mage to the internal structure of the h問物ead and so on.
一: Purchase and use original ink
&nbs放腦p;Ink is one of the main c著冷onsumables of the photo machine區筆. The purchase and stocki花跳ng of ink are very i為長mportant to avoid unexpecte們區d needs! First of all, whe現街n choosing inks, you should choose inks厭就 that are suitable for wint術國er use. It is recommended to b村工uy original inks for inkjet 筆慢printer , and refuse to 要志use low-quality and unknown得風 brand inks. Don’t buy low-通民quality inks for cheap. If you don’t新南 use the original ink of 可朋the inkjet printer, you will n匠能ot be able to enjoy the warranty ser道用vice of the inkjet pri農件nter, but you can also get the corre北化ct color reproduction for print這木ing! Therefore, it is r都喝ecommended to buy high-quality orig飛友inal ink!
二: the correct storage of ink
Ink storage should pay attention科筆 to heat preservation, especially in s要音evere cold areas in the north. If the s也又torage space does not have the moi司白sturizing conditions, it 算科is recommended to ins去遠tall heating or air conditioning.身妹 It is best to keep the storage enviro遠林nment temperature 15-30 坐近℃ and air humidity 25-70% 和拿to ensure ink Store normally.
三: The working environment拿件 of the inkjet printer should m線村aintain a normal room t爸樹emperature》
The working environmen低吧t of the printer is to keep th在我e temperature and humidity in the pri物件nting room at 18-27 degree紅去s Celsius, and the relative humi內湖dity is within the ideal range去花 of 35%-80%. At the sa腦靜me time, it is recommended t來窗o ground the power supply of the printe腦老r. Especially in cold and low如訊 temperature areas in th又市e north, air conditioning or heat放中ing can be used to inc知也rease the ambient temperature of th光又e printer. If the pri訊在nter is prone to disconnection and ink動笑 flying due to lower a計木mbient temperature and increa都動sed ink viscosity, yo討土u can try to increase妹老 the nozzle voltage and graduall日兒y try to obtain a better print雨開 by using +0.2V nozzl不姐e voltage each time. Effect, plea區師se pay attention to the upper l身花imit of the print head voltage水票, and control the print head drive vo照劇ltage within the highest lim視花it. If you are not sure about the個問 voltage safety limit of the p劇門rint head, please consult the relev紙妹ant technical personnel for de用事tailed operation and solu裡照tions, or use other related m東道ethods to solve the inkjet pri器微nting effect of the pr地你inter in the wint們筆er low temperature climate environme相你nt.