The UV flatbed machi市們ne is a UV printer that can print plat森男es, suitable for glass color pri見要nting, furniture wood color printing, 廠飛tile floor color printing, UV flatbed去北 printing speed is very fast, ve男還ry suitable for mass 喝匠industrial production. 車懂What are the advanta校房ges of UV flatbed printers compar舊拍ed to traditional prin業通ters? Let's take a 術什look together:
First, the printing 答花cost of the UV flatbed mach線工ine is low. Whether it is a s玩廠ingle-color pattern, a做女 full-color pattern, or a patter務家n with excessive colors, the UV flatbed木是 machine can be printed at one time.去匠 There is no need for plate making, p小件rinting, ink adjustment, etc. Such comp中會lex procedures shorten the construc費慢tion period, which saves printing雜來 costs.
Second, the UV flatbed machin讀事e controls the entire equip朋如ment through computer operati樂雜on. With a single cli放下ck, the printing equ現年ipment starts to operat工飛e. This results in a situation草什 where only one person化知 can control several printin信月g equipment, greatly saving labor 女去costs.
Third, the UV tablet can achieve envir動這onmental protection and energy savi多來ng. Nowadays, green pr刀去inting has become an important requirem站分ent that the printing 讀河industry needs to me腦算et. This enables printing equipm海弟ent to achieve the goal of sust近小ainable development, and U醫她V flatbed printers can achieve this. I外說t can perform on-demand printing w醫匠ithout waste ink or waste. Mater刀師ial emission, saving resources, using 票劇water-based ink, can be environ靜村mentally friendly.
Fourth, UV flatbed machines can be prod討水uced in small batches. The indi相機vidualization of marke快森t demand leads to the individualizat見離ion of printing, and the ma鄉懂rket development trend is to黃體ward individualization, 劇又small batches, and singl車要e-piece printing.